LOVE, LOVE, LOVE chalk paint!

Still decorating with chalk paint and having a ball! My sofa was in generally great condition but a little grubby in places and cleaning just didn't do it. So I decided I had nothing to lose and went mad stenciling the fabric with chalk paint. I just LOVE the result and as the fabric is that kind of "ultra suede" or faux suede stuff, it now also looks kind of embossed because the pile is slightly flattened where the stencil was painted.

I simply used a repeating stencil design (sorry can't remember which one this was, but lots of them around) and took my Rustoleum chalk paint in off white, watered down 20% (so is absorbed into fabric somewhat) and went to town. I did also use some On and Off sticky re-positionable glue on the back of the stencil, so it didn't move as I was working. It took me about 2 hours to complete as I decided to leave the lower areas and back plain. I think it would have been too much to do all over. The experts say to sand lightly and apply wax but I didn't do either really. As it took only one coat, I didn't feel it needed much sanding (I did run a nail file over some little bits here and there) and I didn't want to apply wax as it gives a kind of leathery feel. I will see how it wears, but feel it will be fine. Have you EVER got paint on your clothes?? You never get it out! LOLS ....and if need be I can go over it where necessary if it wears too much. Easy peasy.

So pleased as it looks so much fresher and makes a bit of a statement. I could also have used homemade chalk paint as I did in previous post here. I just had the Rustoleum so decided to use it (buy at Bunnings for the Aussies).

Best part, when I get tired of it, I can the repaint again if I wish!! Yahhhhh for chalk paint.


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